Last year, the Food and Drug Administration issued a notice about the over-the-counter heartburn drug ranitidine, brand name Zantac. It had found a “probable” cancer-causing contaminant across multiple brands. At the time, the agency recommended that patients continue to take their medication while asking their doctor for updated advice.

Now, the FDA is warning consumers to throw away any ranitidine they currently have and immediately talk to their doctors about a replacement drug. FDA officials have now determined that the contaminant increases in level over time, especially when the drug is stored at higher temperatures. That could be bad news for consumers who take the drug, and the FDA says it poses an unacceptable risk.

“Since we don’t know how or for how long the product might have been stored, we decided that it should not be available to consumers and patients,” said the director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

The good news is that many manufacturers have already pulled their ranitidine products from shelves, including the manufacturer of Zantac. And, some drug store chains pulled any product that had not been recalled.

According to the Associated Press, there have already been dozens of recalls involving this probable carcinogen. The FDA continues to investigate and has sanctioned at least one foreign manufacturer that still makes the drug’s ingredients.

Have you been injured by a bad drug?

If you have taken ranitidine and developed an unexplained cancer, you may have a claim against the manufacturer, distributer or retailer of the drug. Under the law of product liability, every company in the supply chain could be held responsible for a drug that causes unreasonable harm.

It may be difficult to determine if your cancer was caused by ranitidine. If you suspect it may have been, you should contact an attorney experienced in pharmaceutical liability and discuss your concerns.

Most people involved in product liability lawsuits aren’t looking for a windfall. They are seeking to understand what happened to them and prevent other people from suffering from an unreasonably dangerous product. There are many issues involved in these cases, and it can be important to choose a caring, experienced and trustworthy firm to represent your interests.